Meeting the Challenges
It does seem difficult to imagine that one month of 2011 is already complete. That is, of course, one-twelfth of the year. How much have we accomplished towards our goals in this year? Have we shared with the five neighbors that are physically closest to us? Have we sent emails or letters of encouragement and blessing to fellow-travelers on our journey toward heaven? Have we figured any new way to bring those who need Jesus Christ as their Savior to meet him? Have we prayed daily? Nourished and cleansed our inner being? Have we memorized or reviewed the Word of God that should be hidden in our hearts? Have we given financially in a generous way or have we even tithed? How many of our hours were wasted watching television or surfing the internet or playing silly eternally useless little games? Have we helped one or more missionaries with our prayer and our gifts? Have we considered the eternal danger that all those around us face if they do not know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord?
How well have we met the challenges of the New Year? Here at J. E. D. Ministries we are trying to meet needs. We are distributing dvds, writing articles for newspapers and our own web site, counseling, teaching and consulting. The challenges are still great and we need your help to meet these. Will you pray? Will you find ways to distribute dvds, gospels, New Testaments, tracts? Will you tell others of the changes you are experiencing in your life and those of your children and grand-children?
Let’s together determine that we will not let 2011 slip away into eternity without meeting the challenges and opportunities that are before us. Together we can make eternal differences for many and especially for many who are facing eternity without Christ.