October – What a Challenge!
The month of October began here in South Carolina with a refreshing cooling of the temperatures. These cooler days remind us of the invigoration by the Holy Spirit of the work of Jesus Every Day Ministries.
The month appears as though it will be a rather busy and, we trust, fruitful time. We begin with at least one new mentoring opportunity. A devout servant of our Lord Jesus Christ wants Jed to walk with him for a while to encourage and help him. We also have scheduled ourselves to travel by car to New England. This trip will give a couple of preaching responsibilities along with some family time with Rebekah and her family. Also, we eagerly desire to reestablish connections with several prayer and financial supporters while in the northeast. Hopefully we will make some new friends for Jesus Every Day Ministries. When we return from New England, we will be given an open door to preach here in Columbia.
Distribution of DVDS, gospels and New Testaments continues in several locations in the Columbia metro region as well as in New England. We continually ask our Lord to prompt enough people to give so that we, in turn, can give these materials.
Discipleship continues with its challenges to help establish men more deeply in their faith. Counseling helps believers engage in the spiritual warfare necessary to live victoriously in Jesus Christ. Both of these are greatly enhanced by the prayers of friends and family like you.
Writing continues to be both challenging and satisfying. Columns in the local weekly newspaper are seen by many. Pray that Jed (or a volunteer) will be able to collate these into a devotional booklet. We are also looking for a volunteer to update our website. If you are able and willing, please contact Jed at 1-781-888-1642. We need a volunteer to keep up with the various Columbia metro region material distribution points. Again, please contact Jed if you are interested.
May God bless you so much, that you can hardly receive the fullness and greatness of his blessings. Please let us hear from you about how God is working in your life.