Ken and Lilia Rose work in the Philippines. Noreen Corey works in Equatorial Guinea on the continent of Africa and Jed and Betty work in the United States on the continent of North America. It is a great source of encouragement to know that your prayers are touching such widely scattered areas of the world. Your financial gifts help to keep us all giving out the same glorious message; Jesus Christ, God the Son, is “the way, the truth, and the life.” All who trust him as Savior will one day be united in heaven enjoying him, the other saints, and the angelic host forever.

Ken has written of their own situation describing the need for tires for their multi-purpose vehicle so vital to carrying people and supplies. He has additionally described the need for roofing for their home in addition to the usual needs for their growing young children of school supplies, clothing and health care. Please ask our gracious Father in heaven to provide these needs in ways that will help the Rose family and bring glory to Christ among the people.

Noreen has written of the needs of the deaf children in her school. She has mentioned the need for qualified, Christian staff to serve as instructors and other care givers. All of these people require the same things that each of us needs, food, shelter, clothing, healthcare and the less obvious, but equally important concerns of spiritual and emotional support.

Thank you for helping these precious servants of Jesus Christ as you also help Betty and me in our efforts to serve others as we seek to serve our Lord. The Interim Pastoral work at Augusta Street Church in West Columbia seems to be progressing well. Pray, please that the Lord will fill and empower me and all who teach and lead. Also uphold the outreach efforts being made to grow the church family numerically. The teaching in the Central Midlands Transitional Retreat for homeless veterans also is a challenge that appears to be bearing fruit. The weekly men’s Bible study is a very precious time of sharing and learn for each of us men who attend. My book publishing agent requests prayer as she seeks publishers for me and for other authors whom she represents. I also am writing an inspirational column that is offered for publication in several places on a weekly basis.

God is at work and you are part of it. Your gifts are a very sweet offering to God for us.