March Forward to the Glory of Jesus
Now that March 2011 has come and gone, may I ask you how your witness to your five nearest neighbors is moving forward? This past week one of our neighbor families who are believers in Jesus Christ gave us the use of their North Carolina mountain home for a few days of reflection, rest and refreshment after Betty’s Dad passed on to be with the Lord. We are so thankful to our Lord that we had this gift but, more importantly, that we and they have become friends. We are also getting to know the others nearby. One is elderly. I was able to mow his lawn for him recently. What a great privilege to seek to help and receive helped. Hope your 2011 ministry is moving forward.
We ask for prayer for financial and spiritual support for the ministry. One of our faithful suppliers is now in assisted living. He still managed to send us Bible portions. Praise our Lord for this.
We also have received enough support to continue to distribute DVDS on the life of Jesus and the conversion of the Apostle Paul. Please know that for $25.00 a month you can purchase 10 DVDS. We are asking for you to consider monthly giving even if in small amounts. Only ten people giving $25.00 a month makes it possible for us to give away 100 DVDS. If several will give monthly when added together these gifts mean so very much to the work of the Gospel. Another way of considering how the money is valued is that one hour of counseling is about $50.00. Since some can pay nothing, help to provide counseling for hurting people is deeply appreciated. Time to write, study, teach, preach, and pray is an important part of ministry. Your gifts provide the basis for us to give time in helping others.
Many of you have heard that we have the privilege of writing for the local newspaper and for a virtual magazine. Please pray for wisdom to write ministering for the glory of Jesus Christ.
Since I have completed my doctoral work, I can now focus more intently on writing. I have just begun to write parts of two books which I am praying to complete. Marketing will be a challenge but we do hope that our Lord will guide. We are seeking to glorify Him as we write.
Finally let me ask you to keep praying for the Ken Rose family, missionaries in the Philippines. They are doing a fabulous job on an extremely small budget. If you will pray for their work and desire to hear directly from them, please let us know.
All gifts to this ministry here and for the work in the Philippines are tax deductible for those who pay USA taxes.