Ukraine Teaching Trip

Ukraine Teaching Trip

The New Building

The above is the million dollar building (fully paid for) at Zaporozyhe Bible College and Seminary in Ukraine. It was dedicated to the Lord’s use on Saturday, October 6, 2012. It has faculty offices, a full floor for the library, dorms and guest rooms for visiting teachers. It sits next (not visible) to a classroom building that looks almost like it.

This was given by my class on the last day

These are my students. They all studied really hard and all passed the book of Acts course. The guy to the far right is from Khazakstan.

I am preaching at College Church. The interpreter is also the Academic Dean of the College.

Thanks again to all who prayed and gave and please keep praying and if you can continue to support please do as the Lord may lead.
Can You Help?

We want to make a comprehensive list of service agencies (especially Christian ones) in the Midlands of South Carolina. Will you email me contact information so I can get in touch with such organizations? I have a questionnaire to send them to evaluate their trustworthiness for being listed.

Dr. Jed Snyder
Please use to email us.


October 2012 – God Provides

When this is put up on our site, Jed Snyder, our President will immediately be traveling to Ukraine or already on his way. Our Lord has provided a good number of prayer partners to become part of the power of blessing that Jesus Christ will send through his Word, the Bible. If you are one of those partners, thank you and praise our Lord.

Additionally our Lord has provided the funds required for this trip. Over $4000 has been raised. $2200 of this will be given as a gift to Zaporozyhe Bible College and Seminary to help with their expenses. The students for the most part, come from economically poor households. These funds added to many other gifts make the college a viable training institution for many young men and women who will be working in churches and missions across the Russian and Ukrainian speaking world and perhaps beyond.

We are very delighted by the work that our missionary, Ken Rose (with his wife Lilia and little family) are pursuing in the Philippines. They work under what we consider to be harsh conditions but do so in order to glorify Jesus Christ and win many to salvation through him. Please continue to uphold them and if you are so led, any giving that goes to them is a good investment for the growth of the church in that land.

God has opened another door for ministry in an organization (God’s Storehouse) when needy folk can receive food and clothing. One of our volunteers is doing evangelistic work with those who express an interest and Jed will be seeking to provide more specialized counseling for those who voluntarily seek it. Please pray.

As we have stated from the beginning, all that we do is based upon the desire to bring glory to Jesus Christ and get people to know and benefit for themselves and others the wonderful love that Jesus Christ offers. Your gifts make it possible to buy supplies, to spend time with people and to pray, study, write, teach and preach. We cannot continue without your prayer and, as the Lord leads, your giving. You can give online or send a gift by mail or we will work with you to set up a direct bank transfer. This latter method is easiest and usually does not cost a percentage of your gift.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Greetings from the Philippines

Greetings from the Philippines

Thank you for your constant prayers for the work here.

Two weeks ago I had the privilege of preaching a series of sermons at a funeral program that ran for 9 nights. The family and neighbors gathered at the home of the dead man each night for the program.

Last week I attended the final classes in Tagbilaran to complete my studies toward a Doctorate of Divinity focusing in Missions. On Saturday I brought Lilia, Daniel, Timothy, several of the members of the Church and some pastor friends to the graduation ceremony in Tagbilaran.

We had been praying about the future of a mission to help the blind and looking for options to continue the program after having the funding from the Korean Government cut off. The church board has decided to continue the program and trust God to provide the finances for it to continue. This is an answer to prayer.

Daniel’s broken bone in his foot is healing well. I removed the cast myself several weeks ago and his foot is regaining its strength. LaRaine sent Daniel a pair of high back running shoes to protect his feet that he wears to school now.

The youth program at our church has just started meetings on Friday nights again. I preached there last night. It is encouraging to see how many young people are participating. Some of the youth (including James and some of his cousins) have started an evangelistic outreach program of there own on Saturday afternoons.

I put some recent pictures up at

Ken and Lilia Rose Internet Cafe
Mumar Bldg. CPG Ave.
Poblacion, Talibon
Bohol Philippines 6325
Phone +63 919 694 5525

Report from the Roses in the Philippines

Report from the Roses in the Philippines

LaRaine, Daniel and I arrived back in Bohol Christmas morning.

It has been raining a lot here since we arrived. I patched a few holes in the roof above our bed and in the living room with tar.

Last night I preached at a funeral of an elderly woman at one of our outreaches. This funeral will continue for 9 nights.

We visited the site of a newly completed well we organized and talked to the residents there. I put some pics on Facebook.

Use my email address to find me on face book.

Today we are preparing for the Thanksgiving/Christmas program at our church tomorow.

Mum is visiting her place on Jao now.

I was able to collect 8 working musical instruments from the US and and excited to start a church band. This may take some time as the musicians will need a lot of practice and lessons before performing.

Thank you for your prayers and assistance with the work we are doing here.

Ken and Lilia Rose Internet Cafe
Mumar Bldg. CPG Ave.
Poblacion, Talibon
Bohol Philippines 6325

Phone +63 919 694 5525


Things Displeasing to God – from Matthew
By Johnny Hunton

I have given a study from Matthew regarding the things pleasing to god from Matthew. Here is a list of things that displease God.

5:27-28 – adultery and looking lustfully at women who are not your marriage partner
5:31-32 – divorce (also Matthew 19:3-9)
5:34 – swearing
5:38-39 – getting even for offenses done to you
6:1-4 – giving alms/offerings to be seen of men
6:5-8 – praying to be seen of men
6:15 – not forgiving offenders
6:16 – fasting with a sad countenance and disfigured face to be seen of men
6:19 – laying up treasures upon Earth
6:24 – serving two masters
6:31 – worrying about the future
7:1-2 – judging others
7:15 – heeding false prophets (also 24:11)
7:21-23 – “sayers” and not doers
7:24-27 – not practicing the sayings of Christ
10:32-33 – denying Christ
12:31 – blaspheming
15:8-9 – drawing near to God with lips, but the heart not right with Him
18:1-4 – being proud
18:6 – offending children
24:4-8 – being troubled by deceivers and by rumors of war
24:42-44 – not watching and being ready for the return of Christ
24:48-51 – evil servants smiting fellow servants and being drunk
25:14-30 – not using talents wisely
25:31-46 – not caring for or helping the hungry, thirsty, naked, nor visiting the sick or prisoners

For success in pleasing God, believers must yield daily to the Holy Spirit. His power is that which we need to do right!


Fall Forward

It seems a bit too early but fall weather has arrived here in South Carolina. It is still very mild compared to many parts of the country but there is a distinctly cooler feel especially to the nighttime hours.

With the cooler weather we often think of plans for the fall and winter and perhaps even start dreaming of spring again.

In the Jesus Every Day Ministries we are looking to the fall. We are seeking ways to maximize the tracts, dvds and gospels that we are able to purchase. We have not been able to buy as many as we could due to lack of funds so we are attempting to be more judicious about how they are being given away. At the same time we do not want to inhibit the Holy Spirit in his desire to point people to salvation and sanctification in Jesus Christ.

Jed is looking forward to the Ukraine teaching and preaching mission that begins on October 4th. Thanks for praying and giving. He will be teaching about 28-30 sessions that are 75 minutes long. He will likely preach 3-5 times as well so the challenges will be great. Again we thank you for praying.

While Jed is away, Loui Pappas, the secretary to the Jesus Every Day Board of Directors, will be teaching the men’s Bible study and another man from Lexington will be teaching at the center for homeless veterans in Lexington. They will be glad to be offered up to the Lord in your prayers as well.

Please keep praying for volunteers, board members, families and friends. The adversary knows how to attempt to deflate and defeat. However, with the warfare won in prayer, Christ will be victorious and the adversary will be defeated.

The work in the Philippines also continues and needs prayer and financial support. Ken and Lilia with they children are doing a good work. Congratulations to Ken who is now Dr. Ken Rose, having completed his doctoral work about the first of September. This degree should help to open more doors for effective work, perhaps more broadly in the islands than before. Some give faithfully to the Rose’ ministry. Thanks and please don’t let up.



By Johnny Hunton

     The Scripture has some foundational passages that set the stage for our understanding and application of the concept of compassion.

 But Thou, O Lord, art a God full of compassion, and gracious, longsuffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth.  Psalm 86:15

The Lord is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger and of great mercy.  The Lord is good to all, and His tender mercies are over all His works.  Psalm 145:8-9

It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is Thy faithfulness…For the Lord will not cast off forever: but though He cause grief, yet will He have compassion, according to the multitude of His mercies.  Lamentations 3:22-23, 31-32

     Compassion is defined by Vine (Vine’s Dictionary of the Bible) as follows:  to have pity, a feeling of distress through the ills of others; to suffer mentally with others in their problems; to yearn toward individual sufferers.

     The following verses show many acts of compassion done by our Lord Jesus Christ.

     In Matthew 9:36 we see his compassion for the multitudes.  After this Jesus healed a man sick of the palsy, visited in the house of Matthew, the publican/tax-collector, healed a woman diseased with a blood issue, raised a ruler’s daughter, healed two blind men, cast out a devil, He “went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.”  Matthew 9:35.  These acts of compassion were a great, tender demonstration of the love, mercy, and grace of the Lord.

When He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd.  Then He said unto His disciples, ‘The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few; pray  therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He will send forth laborers into His harvest.’  Matthew 9:36-38

Here are four more illustrations of the compassion of Jesus Christ.

In Matthew 20:30-34 we see the compassion of Jesus reaching out to two blind men.

In Matthew 23:37 Jesus expressed his great compassion for Jerusalem.

In Mark 1:40-41 he was moved with compassion, and healed a leprous man.

In Mark 5:19 after casting out a demon, Jesus told the man to go home to your friends, and tell them how great things the Lord has done for you, and  has had compassion on you.

Hebrews 4:15 Jesus Christ, our High Priest, is touched with the feelings of our infirmities/is compassionate.

     Jesus spoke of examples of compassion.  In Matthew 18:23-27 he tells of a master who showed compassion on one who owed him much money.  The man who was shown compassion then shamefully showed no compassion for a man who owed money to him.  In Luke 10:33 we are told of the compassion of the “good Samaritan.”  Luke in 15:11-32 recites the story from Jesus of a father who had great compassion for the “prodigal son.”

     We who are believers have a great number of ways to offer compassion.  Paul tells us in II Corinthians 1:3-4 that God comforts/shows compassion for believers in their trials so that they can show compassion on others who are going through similar experiences.  In Romans Paul gives this twofold directive.

“Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep.”  Romans 12:15

Peter states the same principles concisely and plainly in this verse.

Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous: not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing, but contrariwise blessing; knowing that you are thereunto called, that you should inherit a blessing.  I Peter 3:8-9

     In II Corinthians 5:14-15 we notice that the Apostle Paul was motivated by the love of Christ, demonstrated at the cross of Calvary.  Christ “died for all, that they which live should not live unto themselves, but unto Him Who died for them and rose again.”  Paul was an example of a man of compassion.  He got his power from God.  See I Corinthians 2:2-5.  He said, “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.”  Philippians 4:13. And he followed this with this powerful statement.  “My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”  Philippians 4:19.

     In writing to the Galatian believers, Paul gave us good news about the success that we can have by walking/living in the Holy Spirit.  We can be people of compassion, if we yield to the Spirit in order to have Christ-like traits.

But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering (forbearance, patience), gentleness, kindness, goodness (benevolence), faith (some translators say ‘faithfulness’), meekness (humility), temperance (self-control).  Galatians 5:22-23

     The choice for us believers – if we desire to truly be compassionate – is to commit ourselves to “walk in the Spirit.”


The summer months are frequently difficult in non-profit ministries. This has not been true of Jesus Every Day Ministries. We have seen the Lord work in many lives these hot (and humid here in the south) weeks. Marriages have been strengthened. Men have met for Bible study. Individuals have been discipled. DVDS and other Christian materials have been distributed. Columns for newspapers and magazines have been written. Messages have been preached, prayers have been raised. In all these things, the singular goal has been to honor and praise our Lord Jesus Christ. We have been blessed to receive enough funding so that Ken and Lilia Rose are receiving about what was budgeted for their personal needs. There is an ongoing need for ministry funds among these poverty-stricken people, but the Rose family has had their personal needs met. This is partly because they live frugally, but also in large measure because the Lord’s people have been generous. Please praise the Lord with us and continue to uphold all the needs of the work both here in the USA and in the Philippines.

We are closing in on October 4th when our President, Jed Snyder, leaves for a two-week teaching ministry at Zaporozyhe Bible College and Seminary in that large city in Ukraine. The funds have been almost completely promised. At the time of this writing, we are waiting on some gifts that we anticipate and about $400 that has not yet been committed. Please pray that all the funds will come in, that wisdom in preparation will continue and that all the details of the trip will work together smoothly for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Please pray for the Board of Directors of the ministry. When folks commit to work toward the goal of evangelism and discipleship, they become targets of the great foe of our Lord. Our Lord is always mighty and much greater but the trials are often severe. Employment and health needs arise. Family members may struggle with difficulties. None of this is unexpected but we do want to encourage you to help us bear each other’s burdens.

Thanks also, for all who buy DVDS and other materials and thanks to those who are burdened to contribute to President Jed’s support.

JULY 2012

I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds. I will be glad and exult in you; I will sing praise to your name, O Most High. Psalm 9:1-2 (ESV)

Here is a quick listing of things we are doing by the power of the Lord through your prayers and giving.

  • Bible classes several times a month.
  • Counseling several people.
  • Writing weekly and monthly columns, books, website, and Sunday School quarterly materials.
  • Preaching, mentoring preachers and discipling other men.
  • Teaching a group of inmates so they can teach others.
  • Preparing materials and lectures for the teaching in Ukraine.
  • Keeping up with the Ken Rose family in the Philippines.
  • Distributing Jesus Story DVDS, gospel tracts and other literature.
  • Writing prayer letters, thank-you notes, and notes of encouragement.

Please remember that we can send out DVDS to folks that request them. If you would like to send a great DVD about the life of Jesus Christ to a friend or family member, let us know and we will send it for you or we can send it to you to give. We do not charge for these but a contribution to offset the cost of supplies and postage is helpful.

We praise the Lord that June was a good month financially. Both the work here and in the Philippines has been able to “catch up” somewhat because of these gifts. Thanks to the donors and may God prosper you for the future and for continued blessing to many through you.

JUNE 2012

In the last month I have been working very diligently to get men (some women but I deal with more men) to read their Bible’s daily. My rational is firstly to help them deepen their relationship with God, Himself. Secondly, I want them to stay spiritually healthy. Most of us know almost instinctively that we must feed ourselves daily in order not to become weak. Similarly, spiritual nutrition must be a daily matter or we will weaken spiritually. Thirdly, it is important to get the right counsel for daily living. The Word of God is the only truly reliable source for daily living advice. Recently my wife was told that the advice she had gotten from a trusted physician was not really good for her. Most of the time we trust our physicians, but they even fail us. However, Biblical advice never fails.

We are working on two important new projects. Zaporozyhe Bible College and Seminary has again extended an invitation for me to teach there this fall. From October 8-18th, I plan to teach the Book of Acts to students there. Between now and then, I must prepare about 30 lectures (classes are 75 minutes long) and two examinations, send them to the college to be translated for the students. I must also raise about $4500-5000 to cover the trip costs. $2250 is given directly to the college, the remainder pays my travel, and living expenses while there. I am grateful that a bit over 10% has already been given. I need an additional $1000 soon to purchase the airline ticket at a favorable rate. Please pray with us about both aspects of this trip. We have a flyer to send to anyone who is interested in praying or giving or both.

The second new project is the development of a “vetted” list of reliable service providers to help meet the needs of folks who are struggling. Counseling from a truly Biblical basis is urgently needed. Food, clothing, and shelter are needed. Suicide and battered women hotlines need to be publicized. Shelters exist but often are under-staffed or not well known. Our list is designed to be a go-to place to find reliable help for needy folk. Obviously, this is an ambitious task but one well worth the effort.

We are grateful for some volunteer help. If you would like to serve with us, please write at or call 781-888-1642.

Thanks again for being part of this vital evangelistic/teaching ministry.