What Is Failure?

What Is Failure?
Dr. Jed N. Snyder

“Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be.”  - John Wooden

For those who may not know, John Wooden was one of the most successful basketball coaches in university history.  He knew about change.  He coached hundreds of ball players to change so they could function better both personally and for the team.

We all know that we all fail.  A failed examination shows that one does not have mastery of the subject matter.  A failed marriage shows that one does not have mastery of this part of life.  When a car fails to start, most of us do not abandon it and go buy another. We change the part that failed.  When a basketball player fails to hit a free throw, he does not quit the game.  He may throw several hundred practice free throws until he fails infrequently.  Failure is actually part of success if it encourages us to change and become more like what we know to be ideal.

The great apostle Peter failed miserably but repented and was re-commissioned to serve effectively and powerfully for the rest of his life.  I and II Peter in the New Testament are evidences of a failed man who changed and overcame his failures.

On the other hand, the failure of Judas Iscariot of the New Testament, who betrayed Jesus, led to his suicide.  While not all refusal to learn and change after failure, will be this dramatic, all failure that does not produce positive change will produce a downward spiral that will be destructive and lead to both spiritual, and ultimately physical death.

Failure is thus the refusal to change after making a bad decision, or doing something that is not effective.

Happy learning from failure.  Happy changing.

MAY 2012

Me Quit?

Albert Einstein is supposed to have said, “It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.” Whatever you may think of Dr. Einstein’s self-evaluation, his emphasis on staying in the midst of challenges and difficulties is a good focus for each of us.

Two godly men had such sharp disagreements that they parted ways, picked teammates, and went to separate ministries, but you may be surprised that these two guys were among the first missionaries in the New Testament. Paul and his good friend, Barnabas, had such strong disagreement over the readiness of young John Mark to serve with them, that Paul and Barnabas went their separate ways. Maybe you can take heart when you realize that Acts chapter 15 speaks so candidly of these differences. But Paul did not quit, nor did Barnabas, and in later writings of the New Testament, we find that they came together again in unity of purpose and effort. Even John Mark, who later wrote the gospel bearing his name, obviously redeemed himself from the reputation of “quitter” which concerned Paul so much.

Do you have a reputation of giving up? Do you quit when you should keep on? The great baseball slugger, affectionately known as Babe Ruth said, “You just can’t beat the person who never gives up.” While he was known for his homeruns, he also was known for his great many strikeouts. Don’t quit on your marriage. Don’t quit on your education. Don’t quit on your rebellious teenager. Don’t quit on your job. Be sure that before you give up on anything that is good you know that God has shown you a new direction.

Jesus gave us the Great Commission to go to the whole world with his message and with that great challenge, he gave this great promise, “I am with you always to the end of the age.” The problems will not be bigger than the presence of Jesus with us can bear.

Even if it is the temptation to give up on overcoming bad habits, (Christians often call these “hidden sins”) or the horrible pain of conquering an addiction, we have promises that are reliable. “God is faithful. He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you can bear. But will with the temptation make a way of escape so that you may bear up under it.”

It was Sir Winston Churchill who said to the boys at that private school, “never give up, never give up, never, never, never.” Happy “not quitting!

APRIL 2012


Soon after the Soviet Union dissolved into the current states managing themselves more or less independently, the Zaporozyhe Bible College was founded to help fill the vacuum of untrained pastors, missionaries, children’s workers, musicians and other church-related workers. One way to move this process forward dramatically was to invite western professors to come and teach by way of interpretation so as to not need to be Russian language speakers. Dr. Jed Snyder, President of Jesus Every Day Ministries was among those invited to go and teach. He has been there several times and is invited to return this fall, September or October of this year, 2012. He plans to make the trip and teach aspiring pastors and others the Book of the Acts of the Apostles. Please pray that he can get about 30 lectures and two exams ready over the next several months. Outlines and exams need to be translated for them to be used. So there is much work to do to achieve this goal of going and teaching in Ukraine. Your help will be deeply appreciated. All the western professors must cover their own travel and living expenses and bring a gift of $2250 to assist with the costs of the students themselves. Thus, the whole trip will cost between $4000 and $5000 depending upon airfare this summer. Jesus Every Day Ministries has set up a short-term missionary fund to receive donations for this ministry. If you can help, your gifts will be used to bless others. All gifts from US taxpayers are tax deductible, of course. Just indicate that the gift is for the short-term teaching ministry of President Snyder.

In other news, Jesus Every Day Ministries is pleased to have added Chapin Furniture in Chapin, SC to its list of merchants who want to share their faith by DVDS and literature. Joe and Gladys Grimaud are devout believers in Jesus Christ and are having a very positive impact in the Columbia region and more broadly around the world by supporting CityLight. If you live near Columbia, run on out to Chapin Furniture and say “hello” to them or their son. And if you can, please give a gift to help us purchase DVDS to distribute along with tracts, gospels and other materials. We give these freely to merchants who in turn give them freely. But they are not actually free to us.

This past month the prayer meeting, the Bible studies, much counseling and some preaching has continued. It is your prayers that support the eternal impact of these efforts. God is good and He certainly is sustaining the work.

Ken and Lilia Rose continue their outstanding work in the Philippine Islands. Their support has been quite low for the last two months at least. Please ask out Lord to send them more and if you can help to answer your own prayers, please receive our gratitude.



Jed N. Snyder, D. Min., CNC., President/Founder  Jesus Every Day Ministries, Inc.



There is a fascinating story that we all can consider.  There was a man who was having a very successful campaign.  He had seen many unusual  amazing and events.  People were following his advice and even his opponents were being “turned.”  Then in a quick moment, he moved from this situation to one which seemed most unlikely.  He was sent to a desert highway.  He was not sure of what was ahead.  But because he trusted the advice he had been given he went to this unlikely place.  Things got even more interesting when he was told to approach a complete stranger.  This stranger was an important governmental leader.  When a stranger approaches an important person without an intermediary, the results often are not pleasant.  But this man proceeded.  What he found made him realize that this sudden departure from apparent success to an uncertain situation was truly a great opportunity.

Opportunities are often disguised with uncertainty and even danger.  Is the outcome worth the risk?  Is that which must be left behind too important or too precious?  When is an opportunity just a foolish undertaking and when is it a wise albeit risky adventure.

If you are familiar with the New Testament, you may recognize the story of Philip when he was directed by an angel from the Lord to leave his successful work to go to one individual who he has never met.  The Treasurer of Ethiopia was reading about Jesus Christ from a prophetic passage.  Philip was needed to explain the message, lead this official to faith, baptize him, and send him home with a commission to share the message with others.  I wish I could have observed this moneyman explain to the Queen the message of faith in Jesus Christ.

When opportunity is real and advice is trustworthy, one should welcome it even when it is full of difficulty and uncertainty.  Why not consider those unexpected challenges as new opportunities and evaluate if the one giving advice is worthy.  If the advice comes from an angel of the Lord, it can be trusted.  Just be sure it is the right kind of angel.  If the advice come from the Bible and it is understood with the help of godly men and women, then take the wisdom and enter the opportunity.  Maybe you will reach a new nation just like Philip did!

Remember that all of us believers have this wonderful promise-


 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  The Holy Bible, Philippians 4:13.

May many wonderfully difficult opportunities be yours.

MARCH 2012

March Forward

Some say March madness when referring to collegiate basketball tourneys. Some call it March gladness when referring to new opportunities for ministry. We call it March forward since there are so many opportunities to serve the Lord.

We continue to counsel, teach, preach, write and mentor. We continually look to ways to move forward in the glorifying of our Lord and Savior. We are very grateful that we receive financial encouragement from some of you and prayer encouragement from many more. We do need it. Please accept our thanks. In addition to personal support for the Snyders and Rose families there is opportunity for you to be part of spreading the gospel by providing DVDS and gospels and tracts. As we have said before, ten DVDS only cost $25.00 and 100 Gospels of John only cost $45.00. Many could give these small amounts monthly and we hope you will consider this opportunity.

One new little thing to report is now, Jed Snyder, our President, has received his certification as a non-profit consultant. So the CNC behind his name refers to Certified Non-profit Consultant through the National Development Institute. He will be looking for openings to help non-profits or those seeking to set up non-profits. If you are interested or know someone who may be, please direct them to Jed. He will work out a proposal with them if they want to move forward.

It will be helpful if you will remember to uphold the work in the Philippines with Ken and Lilia Rose. Ken received an honorary doctorate due to his outstanding service there over many years. They are constantly reaching out to needy folks.


We Bow Down

Power for daily living is important for every true disciple. Since all believers are subject to spiritual attacks we need to know how the power for victory ours. Here at Jesus Every Day Ministries, we know about spiritual attacks and God has given us some pathways to victory.

~ Bowing to the Lord in worship and adoration helps us get into an attitude to receive victory from our Lord. So let’s praise him more and more. He alone is worthy!
~ Feeding our spiritual person on the Word of Life (Jesus is the Word, John 1) helps us gain and maintain power for victory. Read, memorize, talk about, and submit to the Bible.
~ Spiritual hygiene (confession of sins, washing off the dirt of the world) helps keep us from getting sick and from spreading our contamination to others. To understand this think of how often medical caregivers wash and sanitize their hands during a given day.
~ Identifying spiritual disease and finding cures for these is an art that the Holy Spirit uses with our consent to renew our strength and give us victory over the world, the flesh and the devil. Two spiritual diseases are unhealthy anger and bitterness. How can we cure these devastating diseases?
~ Telling others of the wonder of our Lord, living another-centered life helps us control the sin of self-centeredness.

While there is much more, if you and I apply these, we will see increasing victory and amazing joy in daily life.

Below we list a few of the victories with which God has blessed us recently:

~ Bible studies each week with men seeking to be more Christ-like.
~ Numerous counseling sessions. (In person and by email and phone.)
~ Distribution of many DVDS of the Story of Jesus Christ.
~ Prayer times for people all around the world.
~ Sufficient finances to continue these ministries.
~ Progress in the ministry in the Philippines.

Thanks to each one who reads this report and commits time, prayer and/or finances to keep seeing these victories for Christ.

Please remember – $25.00 buys 10 DVDS.

~ $25.00 provides one hour of counseling for a person in need who can’t pay.
~ $50.00 monthly pays for a cell phone.
~ $30.00 provides 150 tracts or brochures.


2012 With Our Lord Jesus Christ

Jesus Every Day Ministries, Inc.

Jedidiah N. Snyder, D. Min. President/Founder


As we have ended 2011 and entered into 2012 we want first to praise our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for his marvelous grace.

Let me please, just give you a very brief overview of what He has done for us.

  • We have been able to teach His Word weekly.  More men have joined the study.
  • We have had weekly prayer meetings with a few exceptions.
  • We have given away several hundred DVDS of the Story of Jesus as well as many other pieces of spiritual literature.
  • There has been great blessing as we have helped one church become solidified and are working with another into this year.
  • While we have not completed the book we are writing as yet, we have published numerous articles in newspapers, virtual magazines and in a new hard copy magazine.
  • Trips to Bolivia and New England were both successful.  We hope to travel to Ukraine this year as funds are provided.
  • We have several new distribution points for materials.
  • Several counseling situations have resulted in successful outcomes.

As you can see, God has been very good to us.

As we anticipate a successful 2012, we know that this will only become true as many pray for our protection, pray for wisdom, pray for open doors, and pray for spiritual victories.  As is always true, the finances needed to be able to stay involved in this vital work are freely given and gladly received.  We are extremely grateful that our Lord has laid it upon many hearts to give.  One regular donor has been called home to be with our Lord.  We trust that others will stand in the gap that has been left.


Jesus Christ – Savior, Lord, Healer, Helper

The ministries of Jesus Every Day continue under the guidance of the Holy Spirit supported by each one who prays, gives, volunteers and encourages others to do the same. Our gratitude cannot be fully expressed but “thank you, thank you, thank you.”

Ken Rose, with his eight-year-old son, Daniel, came to South Carolina for the funeral of their grandmother and great grandmother, Marie Dannelly. She is at home with our Lord Jesus Christ, having left a legacy of love and selflessness that was hers because of her love for Jesus Christ. Her beloved husband, Joe, went home first several years ago. We can only imagine what paradise is like for the two of them as they have joined the millions who have gone before. Happiness and peace must characterize them and is our anticipation as well. Because Ken has been able to be here, we are connecting with, strategizing with, and encouraging each other. They will be here most of the month. If you should like to meet them, let us know.

It is with joy that we can report that our Lord has helped some who are hurting. He is healing deeply hurt spirits and is giving grace for daily living. There are still serious battles being fought that need your prayer. Prayer is powerful.

We have received enough support to be able to purchase 400 DVDS of the Story of Jesus. We now need wisdom to distribute them. There are open doors but please pray for more.

As we put together our budget for 2012, please pray for the Board to have wisdom and faith. May the year ahead be full of successful spiritual ministry. If you can contribute a year-end or Christmas gift to help us end this year “in the black,” that will be deeply appreciated.


November – Full Ministry in the Fall

We give thanks to Jesus every day for all His goodness and for all His blessings. October was a full month for preaching, teaching, writing, counseling, praying and mentoring. We also were able to distribute DVDS, New Testaments, gospels and other literature. Our funds for these are completely depleted so please pray for a refilling of our General Fund to be able to purchase and continue to distribute these materials.

Mentoring a local pastor has become a special part of the open door that God has given our President, Dr. Jed Snyder. This has also led to the privilege of writing a column for Catalyst a monthly magazine published by CityLight. You can find out more about CityLight by going to their website www.citylight.org. The group focuses on prayer for the glory of Christ and care for the needy of the communities where they minister. Their monthly prayer breakfast is at the conference room of Brookland Baptist Church on Rt. 378 in West Columbia the first Thursday of the month at 7:00 AM. There is no charge for the breakfast although gifts are needed to cover their expenses.

We have been encouraged and strengthened by the work of Board of Directors member Loui Pappas. He has helped keep many updated with prayer requests. If you are not on that list and are willing to pray, please send Loui your email address. Contact him at louipappas@hotmail.com.

While the needs are continuing, it is with great happiness that we can report that financial support for Ken and Lilia Rose working as missionaries in the Philippines has increased in recent months. Thanks to each one who has given and prayed for this good work that is going on under Ken’s leadership.


October – What a Challenge!

The month of October began here in South Carolina with a refreshing cooling of the temperatures. These cooler days remind us of the invigoration by the Holy Spirit of the work of Jesus Every Day Ministries.

The month appears as though it will be a rather busy and, we trust, fruitful time. We begin with at least one new mentoring opportunity. A devout servant of our Lord Jesus Christ wants Jed to walk with him for a while to encourage and help him. We also have scheduled ourselves to travel by car to New England. This trip will give a couple of preaching responsibilities along with some family time with Rebekah and her family. Also, we eagerly desire to reestablish connections with several prayer and financial supporters while in the northeast. Hopefully we will make some new friends for Jesus Every Day Ministries. When we return from New England, we will be given an open door to preach here in Columbia.

Distribution of DVDS, gospels and New Testaments continues in several locations in the Columbia metro region as well as in New England. We continually ask our Lord to prompt enough people to give so that we, in turn, can give these materials.

Discipleship continues with its challenges to help establish men more deeply in their faith. Counseling helps believers engage in the spiritual warfare necessary to live victoriously in Jesus Christ. Both of these are greatly enhanced by the prayers of friends and family like you.

Writing continues to be both challenging and satisfying. Columns in the local weekly newspaper are seen by many. Pray that Jed (or a volunteer) will be able to collate these into a devotional booklet. We are also looking for a volunteer to update our website. If you are able and willing, please contact Jed at 1-781-888-1642. We need a volunteer to keep up with the various Columbia metro region material distribution points. Again, please contact Jed if you are interested.

May God bless you so much, that you can hardly receive the fullness and greatness of his blessings. Please let us hear from you about how God is working in your life.