The Celebration Month

December is a month to celebrate. Jesus, the Christ (Messiah) of the little town of Nazareth was born in the tiny town of Bethlehem. God became man to bring man to God. We also celebrate the ending of one year and look ahead to what our Lord wants in the New Year.

Jesus Every Day Ministries celebrates. We celebrate our Lord Jesus Christ. Without him we have no reason to be optimistic at all. We celebrate you. We know that all with whom we share in ministry have their own challenges. All can have their own source of victory and joy in the Lord Jesus Christ who gives victory.

We celebrate the opportunities to seek those who are not yet connected with our Lord Jesus Christ. We commend everyone who attempts in some helpful way to tell those outside just what they are missing and how important it is to come to Christ. We celebrate the liberties that have been given to us and defended for us. We are hopeful that the greatest liberty of knowing Jesus Christ personally will be celebrated with us. May our Lord Jesus Christ give you the great privilege of helping at least one person receive the grace, love and peace that comes from Jesus.

Will you celebrate with us? Will you pray for and with us? Should you desire to receive our twice monthly prayer requests, please use the contact us section and send us your email address. If you are able, will you give a financial donation? Monthly giving is a great help. As you pray and give you receive some of the blessing that our Lord gives to us because of sharing the good news with others. May our Lord be highly praised and continuously worshiped in the days ahead.


One supporter needs prayer for employment for her husband. They want to move near his elderly mother in another state from where they currently reside.

A supporter wants prayer for his sons who live with their mother in a distant state.

A supporter needs prayer for continued improvement in health.

A supporter wants prayer for complete healing from a potentially terminal disease.

Ken Rose needs prayer for financial support in the Philippines.  They have three children, one of whom is a baby.  They are our missionaries in the islands.

Continued prayer is needed for wisdom for direction of the ministry and more open doors to distribute God’s Word. Please pray for good time management, good skills for writing and research needed to write/teach/preach/counsel well.

Another supporter needs the Lord’s provision for two businesses – one he operates, one she operates. This supporter has the additional potential of an excellent small group study starting immediately.

Another supporter needs prayer for their parenting skills and the spiritual growth of their children.

Several needs for students in home, private and public schools have been expressed.

Thanks for your support.


Moving Forward

We are so pleased that Jesus Every Day Ministries is moving forward. I will make this brief so you can know how to pray and if you are nearby, may be able to participate.

  • We are consulting with one church and attempting to mentor another pastor.
  • We have an early morning Bible study from 7:00 to 8:30 AM at The Glorious Shop on St. Andrews Road in Irmo. We have room for two-four more men to join us.
  • We have a prayer meeting on Sunday at 6:00 PM at our home each week. This group is small but we invite others who really want to pray to attend.
  • We are providing sponsorship and some oversight for a Truth Project Group at Ed and Olga Turnage’s home ( or 803-397-0206). This is a 13 week worldview video and discussion group for which the materials come from Focus on the Family.

If you have a group that needs oversight and gracious accountability and if you agree with our doctrinal statement, you are welcome to contact me and let me know the details. We are always interested in ways that we can help the body of Christ.

Please pray for the success of all of these as well as the other ministries of Jesus Every Day Ministries (literature distribution, teaching, preaching, counseling, writing). We are grateful to a dentist in Connecticut who distributes the Jesus DVDS in his waiting area. There is a church family in Hartford, CT that also distributes these materials. Recently we were privileged to provide Jesus Story DVDS to about 19 churches. We are also able to give out some materials in Spanish. So you can see we have a number of great opportunities.

Thanks and please continue to stand with us for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Opportunities Abound

This month will be a month of great opportunity.  The Lord has opened the door for consultation with Beracah Bible Baptist Church.  There has been a quiet but effective beginning to this work.

Please pray that the Lord will help this church ratify elders and deacons.  These men are in training now.  Pray for a meeting hall (perhaps a church building that can be co-occupied) that is more suitable to the goals that they have from our Lord.

Jed Snyder, President has also been teaching, discipling, counseling, distributing literature and writing.  Preaching opportunities are ahead as well.  Please pray for diligence in study. Pray for wisdom and love in communicating what the Lord desires.

There have been several gifts, one or two that were larger have been extra helpful but the smaller ones are deeply appreciated.  We know that smaller gifts often demonstrate greater faith and sacrifice than the larger.  Both large and small are great blessings. If you can help financially we will be grateful.  All gifts are tax deductible under USA law.


A Time To Move Forward

This is September and we now see the children and university students back in the fall classes. We at Jesus Every Day Ministries are also beginning a new fall routine. One of the dreams that we had when beginning J. E. D. Ministries was to be able to either start new churches or to help struggling ones. We have this latter opportunity now.

Beginning this month our President, Pastor Jed N. Snyder will be a consulting Elder with the Beracah Bible Baptist Church for what we expect to be six months to a year. He will provide leadership training, modeling, teaching, administrative assistance, counseling and what ever else the Lord shows. Pastor Richard Fleming is a devout godly man who has a wonderful family, a good grasp of God’s Word and a great heart to reach the lost here and around the world. He began a new church some time ago and now needs some help to keep it moving forward where the vision from the Lord desires.

It is with excitement that we accept this challenge in part because Pastor Fleming intentionally wants his fellowship to be multicultural and trans-denominational. While the doctrine and practice are from the Baptist tradition what is most important is that the church family be as Biblical as possible. This is a worthy goal and one, while not unique, gives us great opportunities to see God do a fellowshipping work from many parts of the metro region and even from around the world.

How can you help?

  • Pray fervently for God to direct and bless. Without the work of the Holy Spirit we can do very little that is eternally good.
  • Give financially to support J. E. D. Ministries so that we can move forward with this new opportunity.
  • If you live locally you can come with us to help either temporarily or long term. We need nearly every present day spiritual gift to be used to bless others and grow this work.
  • If you can tell others who are new in the area, are looking for a fellowship or are not being fed where they now attend and would like to join in this new opportunity, we will appreciate your passing the word around.

You will also be glad to know that we have another distribution point for Jesus DVDS and other materials as of today (September 1st). The Glorious Coffee Shop on St. Andrews road just by Crossroads Middle School will be allowing us to distribute good things there. If you need a great cup of coffee and a muffin or breakfast, try them out. We think you will like what you get. (This morning I had Tanzanian coffee!)

Finally for this update please note Jesus Every Day Ministries, Inc. will now be receiving mail at P. O. Box 4332, Irmo, SC 29063. Packages can still be sent to the home address because many will not send to a P. O. Box but all gifts, inquiries, articles or other correspondence can be sent to the P. O. Box.

Thanks and God bless you abundantly.


We are excited to offer the following items free of charge. If possible, an optional $4.95 would be helpful in covering the shipping costs.

All Nations JESUS DVD

Includes 8 languages – English, Spanish, Arabic, French, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Mandarin Chinese Since “The Jesus Film” debuted in English on Oct. 19, 1979, it has been translated into 1,055 languages and has been seen by more than 6 billion people from every country in the world. Out of the billions of people that have seen the film, there are a recorded 225 million that have indicated a decision for Christ.

Click Here »

Mailing Address:

134 Doverside Drive
Columbia, SC 29212


Summer Jump Forward

God has given us a good month. We have a Prayer Coordinator, Loui Pappas, who will gladly receive and distribute any requests that are appropriate. He will intercede for you himself and will provide us all with encouragement, guidance and teaching regarding prayer.

We have been able to give out literature in two churches and have added a dentist’s office to our distribution points. Thanks to those who have given that we might buy the supplies and a big thanks to a friend in NYC who generously supplies New Testaments, Gospels and the Book of Romans for us to distribute.

Counseling, preaching and writing are the continuing challenges that the Lord has placed before us. Thanks for your prayer about these things as well.

Ken and Lilia Rose continue to be a blessing to many in the Philippines. Thanks for praying for them. Their new baby is healthy and is adding a great deal of happiness in their lives. Their financial needs are a matter of concern. Please pray that these will be met. The ministry there is continuing as a light to that part of the islands.

Our future plans are to update the website to make it more interactive. Thanks for praying for wisdom and skill in accomplishing this.

And yes, our funds have made it possible to continue. Again thanks to all who have given and please pray about investing. Monthly gifts will be a great help and as you know, no gift is too small.

JULY 2010

Jesus Every Day Ministries has a new place to distribute DVDS and other materials. Dr. Gregg McKenzie, DDS of 124 Alpine Circle, Columbia, SC has a beautiful new facility. He is a good periodontist with a deep personal commitment to our Lord Jesus Christ. We are grateful to our Lord and to those of our support team who have given so that we can so freely give out these wonderful materials.

We have been doing some more counseling. It does seem that the Lord is blessing as some evidence of reconciliation and forward progress is being seen. Thank you for praying for wisdom. We still have room in our schedule for more people so please don’t hesitate to recommend our services to family and friends. Even if they live at a distance, we can provide counseling. It is a little harder when not face to face but it is not impossible. (Also, please remember that finances should not stop someone needing counseling from coming to receive help. We accept donations and do not tell clients how much to contribute.

Please pray for the right open doors to preach and teach. If you can recommend Jesus Every Day Ministries for preaching or teaching we will be grateful.

We continue to look for open doors to share the good news that Jesus Christ died so that all who trust Him can live. If you doubt your faith in Jesus Christ, please believe that He died in your place so that you can be forgiven of your many sins and can join the thousands who will rejoice in heaven with our blessed Savior. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.”

PRAYER – JUNE 15, 2010

June 15, 2010

Dear Supporters,

We praise God and give Him all the glory.  He has helped us as we end the second quarter of our new ministry.  Our bills are paid; we are grateful for some additional funds to support us.  Praise the Lord from whom all good comes.

Praise-we have more to praise our Lord for than ever:

  1. We have a few more counseling clients.   We need wisdom and spiritual power. Some issues are very tough.
  2. We have one discipleship partner now and are looking for one more.
  3. We have preached. We are looking for more open doors.
  4. We have several literature distribution sites. We are looking for more.
  5. We have an excellent Board of Directors. Pray for blessing for each of them,
  6. We have received support for our first overseas missionary (Ken and Lilia Rose). Also, we are glad their baby, Timothy, was delivered safely.
  7. We have distributed a good number of DVDS on the life and work of Jesus Christ.  We have received some support to buy more.  Additional financial help will be appreciated. They cost only $2.50 each when we buy 100.

Pray-these are similar to our last letter:

  1. That we will have wisdom for daily scheduling.
  2. That we will have enough support to move forward. My part-time work has ended.
  3. That we will see enthusiasm for prayer and prayer groups.
  4. That we will see people trust Christ for their eternal salvation.
  5. That we will be able to promote as we should without wasting time and money.
  6. That our email list will grow so many more may know of what Jesus is doing.

Finally our thanks for all who care:

  • board members,
  • donors,
  • prayer partners,
  • those who witness,
  • those who are distributing Christ honoring materials,
  • those who encourage with email and other words.

You all are a great blessing.

If you can give, the information is on our website at or you can send a check to 134 Doverside Drive, Columbia, SC 29212.  All gifts are tax deductible.  Thanks.


Jed N. Snyder
Founder and President

“Jesus Christ, the same yesterday today and forever.”

“I came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.”

JUNE 2010

Jesus Every Day Ministries welcomes the newest child into the home of Ken and Lilia Rose in the Philippines this month. We are pleased that a number of gifts have been received to help with their expenses. They are rejoicing in the good things that God is doing in the work there even as they continue to face the daily living and ministry challenges. Ken is a multi-talented man of God who has for most of his ministry been able to work to gain most of the finances needed for his little family. However, as with most of the Lord’s servants, his ministry time is minimized by having to maintain old equipment, keep his internet café functional and be a good father and husband.

If you have a burden to see people saved, baptized and discipled then maybe you can be a prayer and even a giving partner for the Roses. Any gifts that come in will be forwarded to the work in the Philippines. Some of you may want a truly “roughing it” missionary experience. Contact us and if you are called and certified by the Lord to go short term or longer and help the Roses, please prayerfully let us know. However, be sure on the front end that the work there is very rugged and not something to think of as a vacation or easy trip. The need is great, the laborers are few, the harvest is ready but don’t apply unless you are ready to sell out and be spent for Christ.

There is much to be done where the physical living is easier and more in line with what we in the west are more used to so don’t despair about not being able to serve in the rough places. The easier places physically can be full of great blessing and equally great spiritual warfare. The Lord needs servants right where you are. If you can win one to Jesus in your town, see that one baptized and discipled you are greatly blessed.

Maybe we can help you by praying for you. Maybe we can give you ideas and training. Maybe we can interact by email, phone or other correspondence. Let’s work for our Lord and see Him send us great showers of spiritual blessings.