Jesus Christ – Savior, Lord, Healer, Helper

The ministries of Jesus Every Day continue under the guidance of the Holy Spirit supported by each one who prays, gives, volunteers and encourages others to do the same. Our gratitude cannot be fully expressed but “thank you, thank you, thank you.”

Ken Rose, with his eight-year-old son, Daniel, came to South Carolina for the funeral of their grandmother and great grandmother, Marie Dannelly. She is at home with our Lord Jesus Christ, having left a legacy of love and selflessness that was hers because of her love for Jesus Christ. Her beloved husband, Joe, went home first several years ago. We can only imagine what paradise is like for the two of them as they have joined the millions who have gone before. Happiness and peace must characterize them and is our anticipation as well. Because Ken has been able to be here, we are connecting with, strategizing with, and encouraging each other. They will be here most of the month. If you should like to meet them, let us know.

It is with joy that we can report that our Lord has helped some who are hurting. He is healing deeply hurt spirits and is giving grace for daily living. There are still serious battles being fought that need your prayer. Prayer is powerful.

We have received enough support to be able to purchase 400 DVDS of the Story of Jesus. We now need wisdom to distribute them. There are open doors but please pray for more.

As we put together our budget for 2012, please pray for the Board to have wisdom and faith. May the year ahead be full of successful spiritual ministry. If you can contribute a year-end or Christmas gift to help us end this year “in the black,” that will be deeply appreciated.


November – Full Ministry in the Fall

We give thanks to Jesus every day for all His goodness and for all His blessings. October was a full month for preaching, teaching, writing, counseling, praying and mentoring. We also were able to distribute DVDS, New Testaments, gospels and other literature. Our funds for these are completely depleted so please pray for a refilling of our General Fund to be able to purchase and continue to distribute these materials.

Mentoring a local pastor has become a special part of the open door that God has given our President, Dr. Jed Snyder. This has also led to the privilege of writing a column for Catalyst a monthly magazine published by CityLight. You can find out more about CityLight by going to their website The group focuses on prayer for the glory of Christ and care for the needy of the communities where they minister. Their monthly prayer breakfast is at the conference room of Brookland Baptist Church on Rt. 378 in West Columbia the first Thursday of the month at 7:00 AM. There is no charge for the breakfast although gifts are needed to cover their expenses.

We have been encouraged and strengthened by the work of Board of Directors member Loui Pappas. He has helped keep many updated with prayer requests. If you are not on that list and are willing to pray, please send Loui your email address. Contact him at

While the needs are continuing, it is with great happiness that we can report that financial support for Ken and Lilia Rose working as missionaries in the Philippines has increased in recent months. Thanks to each one who has given and prayed for this good work that is going on under Ken’s leadership.


October – What a Challenge!

The month of October began here in South Carolina with a refreshing cooling of the temperatures. These cooler days remind us of the invigoration by the Holy Spirit of the work of Jesus Every Day Ministries.

The month appears as though it will be a rather busy and, we trust, fruitful time. We begin with at least one new mentoring opportunity. A devout servant of our Lord Jesus Christ wants Jed to walk with him for a while to encourage and help him. We also have scheduled ourselves to travel by car to New England. This trip will give a couple of preaching responsibilities along with some family time with Rebekah and her family. Also, we eagerly desire to reestablish connections with several prayer and financial supporters while in the northeast. Hopefully we will make some new friends for Jesus Every Day Ministries. When we return from New England, we will be given an open door to preach here in Columbia.

Distribution of DVDS, gospels and New Testaments continues in several locations in the Columbia metro region as well as in New England. We continually ask our Lord to prompt enough people to give so that we, in turn, can give these materials.

Discipleship continues with its challenges to help establish men more deeply in their faith. Counseling helps believers engage in the spiritual warfare necessary to live victoriously in Jesus Christ. Both of these are greatly enhanced by the prayers of friends and family like you.

Writing continues to be both challenging and satisfying. Columns in the local weekly newspaper are seen by many. Pray that Jed (or a volunteer) will be able to collate these into a devotional booklet. We are also looking for a volunteer to update our website. If you are able and willing, please contact Jed at 1-781-888-1642. We need a volunteer to keep up with the various Columbia metro region material distribution points. Again, please contact Jed if you are interested.

May God bless you so much, that you can hardly receive the fullness and greatness of his blessings. Please let us hear from you about how God is working in your life.


September – Looking Back to See Ahead

Nationally we remember the horrible experiences forever etched into millions of minds as 9/11. The pictures of buildings being destroyed, killing thousands and wounding countless others, as family and friends looked on helplessly, will always occupy a frightful place in our memories. The rushing in by first responders and multitudes of others that day and in the days that followed is a tribute to the moral foundations upon which America the beautiful is built. Let us never forget the family and friends of all these people.

This month in thousands of places across the nation and around the world, Christians will be gathering to pray for our nation. May all of us spend some time remembering and praying. Let us pray for grace to abound for eternal salvation of thousands. Let us pray for wisdom among leaders to advance the cause of truth and righteousness. Let us pray for those still grieving and lonely, missing loved ones and friends. Let us pray for those who are dealing with diseases related to airborne poisons from those tragic collapses. Let us pray for the salvation of our enemies.

Unless we look back and learn from the past, we will not be able to see ahead to a better future. We, our children and grandchildren, our citizens and immigrants, all need to see the weaknesses and sins of the past while focusing upon the goodness of the past, in order that we may build upon the good and avoid repeating the sins of the past. Any wise people will look to strengthen weak areas. They will look for strength and build upon it and will admit failures and sins and seek to overcome these.

Unless we personally and corporately have some reflective time, we will inevitably build on the wrong foundation and the collapse that will come later, while it may not be buildings, will be much more devastating as thousands of lives are eternally lost when they could have been saved. Jesus came to save individuals because He knew their spiritual poverty and inability to save themselves. Jesus offers saved individuals the fullness of His Holy Spirit to guide them in caring for each other and using their abilities to make life better for millions because the love of Jesus Christ is lived out in the lives of those who believe and become children of God.

We here at Jesus Every Day Ministries are seeking to help others build on a good foundation. Some with whom we are working, are tearing down unproductive aspects of their past and rebuilding on a better foundation. This is not easy and they need prayer to succeed. Bad habits are hard to deconstruct and the wisdom to build on new, helpful processes is available but must be consistently applied.

Thanks for praying and giving that we can continue to reach out to needy folk with a clear, righteous way of living. We need your prayers and gifts.


August – Outreach Month

The trip to Bolivia is only one indication of outreach, but it is a good one. The Trinitario people would not have been evangelized, and now have many believers, had Joe and Elna Snyder with our Dad, Horace Snyder, not been committed to outreach. Many years ago, the Holy Spirit spoke to him. He had 9 living children, the youngest only about 2-3 years old. Joe went with Dad, and the rest of us, to Bolivia and when he graduated from high school there (it was called Tambo then) he went to reach the Trinitario people. He was only about 19 years old. How many 19-year-old young men today give themselves to reaching lost people? So in August Joe, Elna, and Jed are revisiting the Trinitario church that meets in San Lorenzo de Moxos, Bolivia, SA.

Jesus Every Day Ministries, Inc. follows in the same trend. We are trying to tell those who don’t know about Jesus Christ how they can go from being lost to being saved. Will you pray, speak, and act like a Christ-lover should? Will you bring in the harvest? Will you shine the light? Will you share the love of God who gave so much?

How can you do this? Remember the 5 neighbors that live nearest to you. Are you praying for each one? Are telling them by act and word how to be rescued from eternal punishment? Have you lost sight of the idea that without Christ these folks will die and spend a Christ-less eternity?

If you will help us, we can help you. If you will pray and give, we will help you even more.

Let’s make August an outreach month rather than the “dog days of summer.”

JULY 2011

Joy in July

There is more good news. We have another distribution center here in the Midlands of South Carolina. In addition to the location, that is helping the needy, God’s Storehouse gives out food and other things to families that are struggling, we are now giving out DVDS and other materials through the Aerus Electrolux shop at 3315 Broad River Rd, Ste 190, Columbia, SC 29210. If you have a machine that needs repair or you are looking to invest in a good vacuum cleaner, the owner at this store is a believer in Jesus Christ. We also continue to supply a dental office, a coffee shop and at least one church here in South Carolina in addition to the various locations in New England (Connecticut, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts).

Because we regularly find new locations where God’s Word can be distributed, we are regularly in need of funds to buy the materials. The DVDS only cost $2.50 each and the cost of tracts depends upon the copying expense. If you can help, please use the PayPal on this site or send us a check at P. O. Box 4332, Irmo, SC 29063.

There are additional reasons to rejoice. We are counseling, teaching, preaching, writing and praying. The Lord is helping men and women as they struggle with their understanding and appropriation of God’s goodness. The consulting with one church is moving forward. We are so glad that God has done so much here in the USA.

Beyond all these things, it is a great joy to report that Ken and Lilia Rose in the Philippines are also helping others to know and grow in the Lord. There is a new opportunity for them to do some outreach in other parts of that nation. As with so many aspects of the work to which God calls us, there is financial stress that makes it very important that prayerful decisions about priorities be made.

Thank you, every one of you who sees this, for your prayers and other support.

JUNE 2011

Jesus Every Day in June

May has been a productive month.  We have a new distribution point in a store here in Columbia.  We have many New Testaments and other materials being taken from a dry cleaning establishment run by a Korean brother in Burlington, MA.  We refreshed the supplies in three other places in Massachusetts.  There is so very much more that we can do but we don’t have the finances to buy more materials just now.  Please pray that God will supply some who will give $25.00 a month to purchase 10 DVDS each month.  If ten people could do that regularly, we will be able to distribute 100 DVDS each month.

As you think about distribution of God’s Word in written and video formats, please pray for four Hispanic men who received DVDS on the life of Jesus this past month.  It may be some time, if ever, that we see them again but there are wives and children involved with three of the men so please ask that they will receive God’s Word and be converted or built up if they already know the Lord.

God has given us a productive time consulting with a small church.  They are becoming more established with a good, strong leadership team.  They are requesting the Lord to encourage them financially and with the addition of five new families this year.  Jed will continue to consult with them for at least a few more weeks.

Counseling and writing are producing some good results and the preaching and teaching opportunities are profitable.  Should you be able to recommend Jed to come and preach in a church or teach on leadership, family, holy living or other subjects, please let him know.  He is seeking to help whenever and wherever he can.

The other big news is that Jed will be returning to Bolivia, SA in August to teach and evangelize especially among the Trinitario people.  This is the people group among whom Jed’s older brother, Joe Snyder ministered for over 40 years.  Joe, with his wife, Elna, will travel back and once again be the formal interpreter for Jed during his teaching.  Already 20% of the funds for the trip have been received.  Thanks to each donor.  The ten day trip will require about $2500.

Our work in the Philippines with Ken Rose and his family needs additional support as well.  Ken has been creatively seeking to be a tentmaker, but he is limited due to the economy there and his efforts to make money distract from the great ministry needs.  He needs a new motorcycle, about 50% of the cost of that has been given.  If you can help Ken and the ministry and you pay US taxes, the contributions are fully deductible from federal taxes.  Make contributions to Jesus Every Day Ministries and include a note or send an email explaining how you desire the gift to be used.  Please send all gifts to the address at the top of this page.  As you may recall, they are also enlarging their church building with a Sunday School class room.

May 2011

May – We Rejoice

Jesus said, “Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, and that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem. Luke 24:46-47 (ESV)

We just returned to our home from being in New England for a Memorial Service in honor of Betty’s father, Richard D. Cook. Many family members and friends gathered at Quidnessett Baptist Church where he and his wife (deceased about 14 years ago) were long-term members. He served as a Deacon and as the church Moderator for some time. He was also on the church planting team that helped get the Cranston Christian Fellowship established. He eventually was honored as a Life Deacon. We are grateful to all who prayed and to those who were able to attend the meeting. He is buried in the Rhode Island Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Exeter, RI. Some gave memorial gifts in his honor to the church. This can still be done if you are prompted of the Lord to make such a contribution. A number of family members and former pastors gave remarks. Music from a granddaughter-in-law and a grandson-in-law as well as from the congregation was very moving.

We ask for prayer for financial and spiritual support for the ministry. One of our faithful suppliers is now in assisted living. He still managed to send us Bibles and portions. Praise our Lord for this. His name is Bob and he will be happy if you pray for him.

We have received enough support to continue to distribute DVDS on the life of Jesus and the conversion of the Apostle Paul. Please know that for $25.00 a month you can purchase 10 DVDS. While in New England, we restocked four different distribution locations. Your gifts provide the basis for us to give time in helping others.

Many of you have heard that we have the privilege of writing for the local newspaper and for a virtual magazine. Please pray for wisdom to write ministering for the glory of Jesus Christ.

Finally let me ask you to keep praying for the Ken Rose family, missionaries in the Philippines. They are doing a fabulous job on an extremely small budget. If you will pray for their work and desire to hear directly from them, please let us know.

All gifts to this ministry here and for the work in the Philippines are tax deductible for those who pay USA taxes.

MARCH 2011

Spring Time

We are seeing the signs of spring here in South Carolina.  The beautiful Bradford pear trees have their glorious white blossoms lining the streets in many subdivisions.  The temperatures are jumping up.  The daffodils are blooming.  What a great time to think of new life.

New life is one of the major reasons for Jesus Every Day Ministries to exist.  New life in Christ by trusting in His death on the cross for our sins is the one and only way to secure an eternal good relationship with God.  To help people we give away DVDS on the life of Jesus, on the conversion of the Apostle Paul and on the value Jesus places on women using the story of Mary Magdalene.  A bonus for all who get the Magdalena DVD is that the Story of Jesus for Children is embedded in that DVD as well, so you get two for one.  These are all free.  If you can help with shipping and handling that will be great, but we will send them out as our financial ability to do so makes it possible.

We are also glad to make Gospels of John available as well as New Testaments.  Please feel free to email us at or call Jed’s cell at 781-888-1642.

We have seen God’s hand at work in a variety of areas, blessing on counseling, teaching, consulting and writing.  The glory and praise go to him.  He is worthy.

We are concerned that as we look at the income for the month, we have not met what is needed.  Please pray that we will be helped forward more in March.


Meeting the Challenges

It does seem difficult to imagine that one month of 2011 is already complete.  That is, of course, one-twelfth of the year.  How much have we accomplished towards our goals in this year?  Have we shared with the five neighbors that are physically closest to us?  Have we sent emails or letters of encouragement and blessing to fellow-travelers on our journey toward heaven?  Have we figured any new way to bring those who need Jesus Christ as their Savior to meet him? Have we prayed daily?  Nourished and cleansed our inner being?  Have we memorized or reviewed the Word of God that should be hidden in our hearts?  Have we given financially in a generous way or have we even tithed?  How many of our hours were wasted watching television or surfing the internet or playing silly eternally useless little games? Have we helped one or more missionaries with our prayer and our gifts? Have we considered the eternal danger that all those around us face if they do not know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord?

How well have we met the challenges of the New Year?  Here at J. E. D. Ministries we are trying to meet needs.  We are distributing dvds, writing articles for newspapers and our own web site, counseling, teaching and consulting.  The challenges are still great and we need your help to meet these.  Will you pray?  Will you find ways to distribute dvds, gospels, New Testaments, tracts?  Will you tell others of the changes you are experiencing in your life and those of your children and grand-children?

Let’s together determine that we will not let 2011 slip away into eternity without meeting the challenges and opportunities that are before us.  Together we can make eternal differences for many and especially for many who are facing eternity without Christ.