We are looking forward to how our Lord Jesus Christ will be honored this year. We want all who visit this site to become children of the our Heavenly Father if they are not already. If you don’t know Him yet, now is a good time. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.” Paul’s heart cry was “that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection being made like Him in His death.”

Would you start a prayer group? If you will agree to our doctrinal statement, agree to meet on some regular schedule of your choosing and commit to prayer for the requests we pass along and the kinds of praying listed below, if you will, we will gladly pass requests that are public along to you. You can start with prayers for our leaders – local school committees and all the staff; -family court judges and all the judiciary up the line to the US Court – Chief Justice Roberts;-our military, police and fire officers; our county and/city/town councils, mayors, etc; – the lost in our own neighborhoods (next door, fellow workers, etc.) and among our own family; the leaders of industry and commerce; -the medical staff of our communities.

We are looking for other volunteers as well. Please email us at jsnyder@jedministries.com to find out what you can do. We will match your desires with “dreams” that we believe come from our Lord Jesus Christ.


This month is a big one for us as we will be completing our work with IFM and will be venturing out on a new much broader ministry. We will deeply appreciate your prayers and as God should lead any other support. The opportunities are huge and we do not want to fail in what we are convinced is God’s next step in our ministry. This step has been a long time in process.

Please write me with any prayer requests (I have received a few recently) and any questions, suggestions or offers. We want to establish evangelistic prayer groups all around the world. We want to see Jesus Christ known in every part of the globe. Our part begins with prayer and only the Lord Himself knows what He anticipates.

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Volunteers are joining JED as Directors and as participants in the important work of witnessing to the wonder of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Supporters in prayer, encouragement, finances and other forms of giving are a vital part of Jesus Every Day Ministries, Inc. They help open doors for ministry, provide wisdom to overcome challenges and together are becoming a force for helping people in many places and in many ways.

Please join us as a prayer partner, a supporter financially as the Lord guides and by securing ministry opportunities where we give God’s Word through preaching, teaching and evangelistic efforts both by material distribution and personal witness.

Throughout the website we will be giving further testimonies of God’s blessing and encouragement. You can communicate with us as to your needs, desires, and suggestions.  We want to hear from you.