February brought significant blessings and significant challenges.


  • We have a new DVD distribution point in Massachusetts with prospects for more.
  • We continue to supply several distribution points in several states.
  • We have been able to purchase more DVDS for free distribution.
  • We have regularly taught Bible studies twice weekly.
  • We have had prayer meeting regularly and sent out many prayer notices.
  • We have written articles for a local paper and a virtual magazine in addition to our own website.
  • We have done some discipleship ministry.
  • We have done some counseling.
  • God has brought encouragement in these ministries.


  • The final weeks of Betty’s father’s life have brought with them the challenge of in-the-home care.
  • We do not know how much longer this need will continue.
  • We have not had the finances to purchase the materials we would like to have to distribute.
  • We are struggling to keep all the strands of ministry and personal living together.


  • We praise our Lord for His wonder.
  • We praise Him for your support.
  • We are in awe that he permits us to serve Him.

Please don’t hesitate to do one or all of the following:

  1. Pray for us.
  2. Give financially to the work.
  3. Seek new and creative ways to witness to others.
  4. Send us encouraging notes and suggestions.


One supporter needs prayer for employment for her husband. They want to move near his elderly mother in another state from where they currently reside.

A supporter wants prayer for his sons who live with their mother in a distant state.

A supporter needs prayer for continued improvement in health.

A supporter wants prayer for complete healing from a potentially terminal disease.

Ken Rose needs prayer for financial support in the Philippines.  They have three children, one of whom is a baby.  They are our missionaries in the islands.

Continued prayer is needed for wisdom for direction of the ministry and more open doors to distribute God’s Word. Please pray for good time management, good skills for writing and research needed to write/teach/preach/counsel well.

Another supporter needs the Lord’s provision for two businesses – one he operates, one she operates. This supporter has the additional potential of an excellent small group study starting immediately.

Another supporter needs prayer for their parenting skills and the spiritual growth of their children.

Several needs for students in home, private and public schools have been expressed.

Thanks for your support.


From Ken Rose, our missionary in the Philippines:

Greetings from the Philippines

Thank you for all your prayers and efforts to assist us in the Lords work here in Bohol.

It was good to talk with you on the phone today and be able to share our prayer concerns and hear some of the things that are happening in your ministery.

As per your request I will list some of the things here we need prayer for and wisdom.

Internet Cafe

For over 10 years we have been providing computer training and services to the local public here in Talibon both as a very needed service and a means of income and providing employment to one of our church members. I was providing internet to the community via satellite at a finical loss for many years to allow students, pastors and workers to keep in contact with sponsors, donors, friends and prayer partners. The only other means of reliable communication was the post office with letters taking up to a month each way. In recent years technology has caught up and now there are over 15 internet cafes here in Talibon.

The rent in our Cafe will be increased from $90 per month to $225 per month starting next month. Our profit per month is only about $100 so it will no longer be viable to operate without substantial investment in new equipment. I only have 6 old computers running XP. It looks like the best option is to close the Cafe and look to other ways to assist the community and for other income options. I hope to try to set up some of the old equipment in another location on the island of Jao when electricity is connected via a gov project next month.

Boat Building

Talibon is a coastal town. There are many small islands near Talibon that take between 15 min to 2 hours boat ride. All of the boats here are traditional designs with bamboo outriggers. I have built 3 experimental wooden kayaks and coated them with fiberglass. I can paddle to the closest island in 20 min. Nice kayaks are for sale in Cebu for $600-$1000 each.This is far more than most people here would be willing or able to pay. I have hired a church member this week and am in the process of teaching him how to make kayaks. This is a bit of an experiment as I have not tried to sell any of my kayaks yet and I have been doing all the work myself with Lilia helping for the 1st 3 boats. This could be something that could provide several church members and us a continuing income. If we could make a boat for about $200 we could sell it for considerably less than the prices I have seen in Cebu. If I can learn how to put a fine finish on my boats we may also be able to ask higher prices.

Pray for spiritual and numerical growth in the San Carlos Evangelical Church where I pastor.

Pray for the continued success of the Faith Comes By Hearing program to start Bible listening groups around the world. Pray for the pastors that I have provided an Audio Cebuano Bible Player and trained to run Bible Listening home groups around Bohol.

Ken and Lilia Rose Internet Cafe
Ngoboc Bldg. Public Market
Poblacion, Talibon
Bohol Philippines 6325

PRAYER – JUNE 15, 2010

June 15, 2010

Dear Supporters,

We praise God and give Him all the glory.  He has helped us as we end the second quarter of our new ministry.  Our bills are paid; we are grateful for some additional funds to support us.  Praise the Lord from whom all good comes.

Praise-we have more to praise our Lord for than ever:

  1. We have a few more counseling clients.   We need wisdom and spiritual power. Some issues are very tough.
  2. We have one discipleship partner now and are looking for one more.
  3. We have preached. We are looking for more open doors.
  4. We have several literature distribution sites. We are looking for more.
  5. We have an excellent Board of Directors. Pray for blessing for each of them,
  6. We have received support for our first overseas missionary (Ken and Lilia Rose). Also, we are glad their baby, Timothy, was delivered safely.
  7. We have distributed a good number of DVDS on the life and work of Jesus Christ.  We have received some support to buy more.  Additional financial help will be appreciated. They cost only $2.50 each when we buy 100.

Pray-these are similar to our last letter:

  1. That we will have wisdom for daily scheduling.
  2. That we will have enough support to move forward. My part-time work has ended.
  3. That we will see enthusiasm for prayer and prayer groups.
  4. That we will see people trust Christ for their eternal salvation.
  5. That we will be able to promote as we should without wasting time and money.
  6. That our email list will grow so many more may know of what Jesus is doing.

Finally our thanks for all who care:

  • board members,
  • donors,
  • prayer partners,
  • those who witness,
  • those who are distributing Christ honoring materials,
  • those who encourage with email and other words.

You all are a great blessing.

If you can give, the information is on our website at or you can send a check to 134 Doverside Drive, Columbia, SC 29212.  All gifts are tax deductible.  Thanks.


Jed N. Snyder
Founder and President

“Jesus Christ, the same yesterday today and forever.”

“I came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.”

PRAYER – MAY 23, 2010


Prayer Ministry 2010

Thank you for your prayer.  I am requesting special prayer for the next month.  We would like to see our online ministry much more effective and I need to learn considerably more about updating and making our site more interactive.

If you have suggestions about the site, please forward them to me as soon as you can.

We got a praise item from one listener who is rejoicing that two grand children of hers just graduated from seminary with a brilliant record.  How good is our God to reward their diligent work.

We also had a request for traveling mercy.  We are grateful for their safety.

We have ongoing needs for children to grow up to follow our Lord fully.

We have employment needs to hold up to our Lord.

We have some health needs among our ministry team members.

We have some widows who are dealing with their losses and we have some quite elderly folks who are needing care daily.

Thanks for reading and your participation with us. If you have given financially that is a blessing as well.

Jed N. Snyder
Jesus Every Day Ministries