We Bow Down
Power for daily living is important for every true disciple. Since all believers are subject to spiritual attacks we need to know how the power for victory ours. Here at Jesus Every Day Ministries, we know about spiritual attacks and God has given us some pathways to victory.
~ Bowing to the Lord in worship and adoration helps us get into an attitude to receive victory from our Lord. So let’s praise him more and more. He alone is worthy!
~ Feeding our spiritual person on the Word of Life (Jesus is the Word, John 1) helps us gain and maintain power for victory. Read, memorize, talk about, and submit to the Bible.
~ Spiritual hygiene (confession of sins, washing off the dirt of the world) helps keep us from getting sick and from spreading our contamination to others. To understand this think of how often medical caregivers wash and sanitize their hands during a given day.
~ Identifying spiritual disease and finding cures for these is an art that the Holy Spirit uses with our consent to renew our strength and give us victory over the world, the flesh and the devil. Two spiritual diseases are unhealthy anger and bitterness. How can we cure these devastating diseases?
~ Telling others of the wonder of our Lord, living another-centered life helps us control the sin of self-centeredness.
While there is much more, if you and I apply these, we will see increasing victory and amazing joy in daily life.
Below we list a few of the victories with which God has blessed us recently:
~ Bible studies each week with men seeking to be more Christ-like.
~ Numerous counseling sessions. (In person and by email and phone.)
~ Distribution of many DVDS of the Story of Jesus Christ.
~ Prayer times for people all around the world.
~ Sufficient finances to continue these ministries.
~ Progress in the ministry in the Philippines.
Thanks to each one who reads this report and commits time, prayer and/or finances to keep seeing these victories for Christ.
Please remember – $25.00 buys 10 DVDS.
~ $25.00 provides one hour of counseling for a person in need who can’t pay.
~ $50.00 monthly pays for a cell phone.
~ $30.00 provides 150 tracts or brochures.