Jesus Every Day Ministries welcomes the newest child into the home of Ken and Lilia Rose in the Philippines this month. We are pleased that a number of gifts have been received to help with their expenses. They are rejoicing in the good things that God is doing in the work there even as they continue to face the daily living and ministry challenges. Ken is a multi-talented man of God who has for most of his ministry been able to work to gain most of the finances needed for his little family. However, as with most of the Lord’s servants, his ministry time is minimized by having to maintain old equipment, keep his internet café functional and be a good father and husband.
If you have a burden to see people saved, baptized and discipled then maybe you can be a prayer and even a giving partner for the Roses. Any gifts that come in will be forwarded to the work in the Philippines. Some of you may want a truly “roughing it” missionary experience. Contact us and if you are called and certified by the Lord to go short term or longer and help the Roses, please prayerfully let us know. However, be sure on the front end that the work there is very rugged and not something to think of as a vacation or easy trip. The need is great, the laborers are few, the harvest is ready but don’t apply unless you are ready to sell out and be spent for Christ.
There is much to be done where the physical living is easier and more in line with what we in the west are more used to so don’t despair about not being able to serve in the rough places. The easier places physically can be full of great blessing and equally great spiritual warfare. The Lord needs servants right where you are. If you can win one to Jesus in your town, see that one baptized and discipled you are greatly blessed.
Maybe we can help you by praying for you. Maybe we can give you ideas and training. Maybe we can interact by email, phone or other correspondence. Let’s work for our Lord and see Him send us great showers of spiritual blessings.