October 2012 – God Provides
When this is put up on our site, Jed Snyder, our President will immediately be traveling to Ukraine or already on his way. Our Lord has provided a good number of prayer partners to become part of the power of blessing that Jesus Christ will send through his Word, the Bible. If you are one of those partners, thank you and praise our Lord.
Additionally our Lord has provided the funds required for this trip. Over $4000 has been raised. $2200 of this will be given as a gift to Zaporozyhe Bible College and Seminary to help with their expenses. The students for the most part, come from economically poor households. These funds added to many other gifts make the college a viable training institution for many young men and women who will be working in churches and missions across the Russian and Ukrainian speaking world and perhaps beyond.
We are very delighted by the work that our missionary, Ken Rose (with his wife Lilia and little family) are pursuing in the Philippines. They work under what we consider to be harsh conditions but do so in order to glorify Jesus Christ and win many to salvation through him. Please continue to uphold them and if you are so led, any giving that goes to them is a good investment for the growth of the church in that land.
God has opened another door for ministry in an organization (God’s Storehouse) when needy folk can receive food and clothing. One of our volunteers is doing evangelistic work with those who express an interest and Jed will be seeking to provide more specialized counseling for those who voluntarily seek it. Please pray.
As we have stated from the beginning, all that we do is based upon the desire to bring glory to Jesus Christ and get people to know and benefit for themselves and others the wonderful love that Jesus Christ offers. Your gifts make it possible to buy supplies, to spend time with people and to pray, study, write, teach and preach. We cannot continue without your prayer and, as the Lord leads, your giving. You can give online or send a gift by mail or we will work with you to set up a direct bank transfer. This latter method is easiest and usually does not cost a percentage of your gift.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.