Fall Forward
It seems a bit too early but fall weather has arrived here in South Carolina. It is still very mild compared to many parts of the country but there is a distinctly cooler feel especially to the nighttime hours.
With the cooler weather we often think of plans for the fall and winter and perhaps even start dreaming of spring again.
In the Jesus Every Day Ministries we are looking to the fall. We are seeking ways to maximize the tracts, dvds and gospels that we are able to purchase. We have not been able to buy as many as we could due to lack of funds so we are attempting to be more judicious about how they are being given away. At the same time we do not want to inhibit the Holy Spirit in his desire to point people to salvation and sanctification in Jesus Christ.
Jed is looking forward to the Ukraine teaching and preaching mission that begins on October 4th. Thanks for praying and giving. He will be teaching about 28-30 sessions that are 75 minutes long. He will likely preach 3-5 times as well so the challenges will be great. Again we thank you for praying.
While Jed is away, Loui Pappas, the secretary to the Jesus Every Day Board of Directors, will be teaching the men’s Bible study and another man from Lexington will be teaching at the center for homeless veterans in Lexington. They will be glad to be offered up to the Lord in your prayers as well.
Please keep praying for volunteers, board members, families and friends. The adversary knows how to attempt to deflate and defeat. However, with the warfare won in prayer, Christ will be victorious and the adversary will be defeated.
The work in the Philippines also continues and needs prayer and financial support. Ken and Lilia with they children are doing a good work. Congratulations to Ken who is now Dr. Ken Rose, having completed his doctoral work about the first of September. This degree should help to open more doors for effective work, perhaps more broadly in the islands than before. Some give faithfully to the Rose’ ministry. Thanks and please don’t let up.